Spider & Varicose Vein Treatment
Upto 65% off
Additional 15% off on 2nd Treatment
Latest Technology
We use the latest equipment for our procedures, offering the finest skin and cosmetic treatments
Experienced Skin Specialist
Our experienced and skilled team of doctor, dermal clinician and nurse offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments.
Discounts & Medicare Rebates
We offer medicare rebate on treatments were it is applicable. We also offer discounts.
Fully Accredited
We are fully accredited(QPA) General practice with all our doctors being specialist (VR) GPs with Many Years of experience.
Sclerotherapy - The Gold Standard Treatment for varicose & spider vein
The main treatment for spider veins in sclerotherapy. During a Sclerotherapy treatment, a small amount of solution is injected into the superficial veins/blood vessels and any venous malformations (blue coloured veins). This creates inflammation of the walls of vessels, this leads to the vein shutting down and disappearing over the subsequent few weeks to months. Sometimes multiple treatments may be needed.
Note – You will need to book a free initial consultation before the actual procedure for assessment.

Discounted Pricing
Get an Additional 15% off on the 2nd treatment, on the discounted Price !
About Our Clinic
At Revita Medical Clinic, we want to provide our patients with the safest, highest-quality care possible. This commitment extends to our clinicians, through a dedication to creating an exceptional work environment which attracts and retains only the most talented medical and support staff.
As a leader in quality health care provider, we challenge ourselves every day to find a better way to keep our patients safe and improve each outcome. We are dedicated to the health and well-being of individuals and communities entrusted in our care.