Skin Cancer Checks & Screening
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is very common in Australia. The prevalence is about 1 in 3 people above the age of 50years. It happens when DNA triggers mutations that cause the skin cells to increase rapidly & form into cancer cells. One in 5 Australians will develop some type of skin cancer over the course of their lifetimes.
Skin cancers are caused mainly by the sun and can lead to premature aging of your skin–even in the winter months. We have experienced Doctors, and Nurses who can help you with your skin lesion diagnosis and can provide professional medical guidance. Our medical centre is equipped with the latest equipment and tools and we provide skin cancer treatment and management. Our Skin cancer clinic & doctors can help detect skin cancers at an earlier stage, which can mean better treatment and prognosis. Currently the skin cancer checks are fully bulk billed at Revita Medical and Skin clinic.
Remember a few simple tips when spending time outdoors: Always wear sunscreen with SPF 30+, make sure you’re wearing light-colored clothing that blocks out UV rays from getting through, try not to be outside during peak hours (11 am-2 pm). It is also advisable to take shelter when possible and wear broad brim hat when spending time outdoors
Look Out for These Signs
It’s essential to know how to identify skin cancer signs and symptoms, as they can be difficult to detect without a trained eye. The five significant signs are color, shape, size, texture, and elevation. If you notice any of these changes on your skin or that of someone you love, it’s time for a visit with your dermatologist.
- Skin cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the skin. It can be caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight or artificial sources, such as tanning beds and sun lamps. The risk increases with increased exposure to UV rays over time. To reduce your risk of developing skin cancer, you must protect yourself from excessive and long-term exposure to UV rays, either naturally or artificially.
- If your mole is asymmetrical, it could be an indication of skin cancer. It’s essential to get a mole checked out by a trained skin cancer doctor if you notice any changes in the appearance of your moles or anything else on your skin. Early detection can save lives!
- Color is also one of the dangerous signs of skin cancer.
- It’s important to be aware of your skin and any changes that may occur. If you notice an increase or the size of the mole or growth on your skin, it’s best to have it examined by a medical professional. The sooner you get checked out, the better chance you have at successfully treating skin cancer before it spreads. Early detection is key!
If you notice any changes in your skin or find any unusual growths or sores that don’t heal within two weeks, then contact us immediately for an appointment with one of our bulk billing skin cancer clinic & doctors. Early detection is key to survival rates!
The most common types of skin cancer are:
- Basal Cell Carcinoma: Basal cell carcinomas are usually found in areas exposed to the sun, such as your head, neck, arms, and hands.
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Squamous cell cancers can be found on any part of your body but more commonly occur on parts not exposed to sunlight, like your soles or palms.
- Malignant Melanoma: Malignant melanomas are less common than other forms of skin cancer, but they have a higher chance for mortality if left untreated, so you must get them checked out right away!
If you notice any changes in your moles or spots that don’t seem normal, make an appointment with one of our skin cancer doctors today!
We’ll take care of everything- from diagnosis through treatment – all under one roof at an affordable cost! Our doctors will work closely with you every step along the way until we find a solution for whatever’s going on underneath those spots!
Tips for Preventing Future Cases of Skin Cancer
The good news about never getting skin cancer again is you’ll want to take care of yourself now before anything goes wrong in later life. Here are the best ways to make sure your skin stays healthy:
Stay Out of the Sun: Sunshine is a double-edged sword. The sun provides us with vitamins and the warmth that we need to live, but it also can cause skin cancer. There are three things you should do to keep yourself safe from this deadly disease: Stay out of direct sunlight between 10 am – 4 pm (when UVB rays are most intense), wear sunscreen all year round, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day!
Wear Sun-Protective Clothing: When you go out in the midday sun, don’t forget to cover up with clothing that can protect your skin. Select clothes at least UPF 30+ or higher for optimal coverage and protection from UV rays. Avoid getting burned by wearing light-weight long-sleeved shirts when outside during peak hours of sunlight!
Examine Your Skin Head to Toe Every Month: It’s always important to monitor your own skin. If you notice anything that looks different, book to see us right away because even the slightest changes could be an indication of cancerous cells, and it is better safe than sorry!
Avoid Tanning Beds: All that tanned skin you see on celebrities is not worth the risk of getting cancer. Tanning beds are a quick and easy way to bring color, but they also expose people to ultraviolet light, which can cause premature aging and even worse conditions like skin cancer. When it comes down to it, tanning may look good for now but, the risks outweigh any benefits.
Regular Full body skin checks:
Early detection and treatment is the key to beat skin cancer. It is recommended to have at least 12 monthly full skin cancer checks. At Revita Medical and Skin clinic we currently offer yearly bulk billed skin cancer checks to screen for any type of skin cancer. Please book your appointment and be proactive.