Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory condition, which is more common in those with fairer skin
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory condition, which is more common in those with fairer skin. Rosacea is quite a common condition that affects about 1 in 20 people. Rosacea is characterized by facial redness, especially around the nose, cheeks, chin and in between the brow. Rosacea can sometimes also present with acne style breakouts with pimples looking like red swollen bumps with or without pus. Rosacea also presents with broken facial capillaries. Rosacea sufferers are consistently red or tend to flush very easily. The skin itself can feel quite hot and tender. Some other signs of rosacea can be watery eyes, sensitive skin, blood shot eyes and burning sensations. Multiple factors can trigger rosacea with some very easily identified and others requiring a trial and error approach to determine the trigger and therefore provide effective treatments. Its essential that once the trigger has been determined to avoid it all together.
Some triggers can be:
- Hot or spicy food
- Dairy food
- Alcohol (mainly red wine)
- Fluctuations in temperature (hot baths and sauna included)
- UV exposure
- Stress/embarrassment
- Strenuous exercise
- Hot baths/saunas
- Oral and topical corticosteroids
- Drugs that dilate blood vessels such as blood pressure medications
- Inappropriate use of skin care products

Treatments for rosacea
- Dermapen skin needling
- Chemical peels
- Laser for capillaries