In Australia, there are so many clinics offering cosmetic injectable treatments. These include places like day spas, laser clinics, hair salons, people at home and highly trained cosmetic physicians. The team here at revita would hope that none of you would risk your face or body by going to a hair salon or seeing an inexperienced beautician to get potentially dangerous substances injected into you. The reasons why are explained below.
Australia thankfully and amazingly is a world leader in medical standards.

As consumers in the cosmetic industry, we rely upon the rigorous medical standards particularly for our cosmetic injectable treatments. Unfortunately however, the cosmetic injectable industry has fallen short on some occasions, which means some of these strict high standards have not be adhered to as strictly as we would hope. The cosmetic industry has had little care for the consequences of breaches in these standards right. This lack of care has meant that a clinic only needs to employ a registered nurse and have them undergo short training with the injectable product company and boom you now have a qualified injector. This is not to diminish the other work that nurses do such as laser and minimally invasive treatments and there are some proper degree qualified nurse injectors. This is more to shed light that nothing beats the extensive training or clinical experience that a doctor simply has particularly when it comes to injectable treatments around the muscles in the face, tissue and nerves.
Whilst it might cost a little extra to have a highly trained and experienced doctor perform your cosmetic injectable treatments but the results and safety speaks for it self. You can’t put a price on safety and you can’t be sure that when you go to a beauty or hair clinic for injectable treatments that you aren’t getting toxic substances injected into your face and body. Any clinic that offers ridiculously cheap injectable treatments is most likely skimming the line at some point along the way. This can be the experience of the injector or the quality of the product.
At Revita Medical and Skin Clinic you can be sure that the product we are injecting is safe and not toxic. Do not accept less than the best when it comes to injectable treatments. Our doctors have had years of medical training before they began their further studies into the cosmetic realm of things. Our doctors absolutely love what they do and they confidentially know the muscles, skin, the blood and nerve supply networks and also the face and the liquids they are injecting. This vast knowledge and experience is what is brought to every injectable treatment, meaning this deep understanding of the facial anatomy means they can safely get the most out of your injectable treatment.
The Australian medical board has made it compulsory for anyone receiving an injectable treatment to have a consultation prior with a medical practitioner aka a doctor. This is as the injectable substances are classed as a prescription only medication. You wouldn’t get your normal medications from a beauty clinic so why get your muscle relaxant injectable or dermal fillers from one. These injections are known as schedule 4 prescription only medications. This means that these injections like most things aren’t without potential side effects which is why it can be classes a s potentially dangerous drug or medicine in the wrong hands.
But aren’t muscle relaxant and dermal filler injections safe… we hear you ask
For the most part side affects rarely occur when the treatment is performed by a medical practioner but there are serious risks to these treatments which emphasizes the need for seeing only a highly trained doctor.
There are two types of treatments that fall under the umbrella cosmetic injections, dermal fillers and muscle relaxant/ anti wrinkle injections.
Muscle relaxants are used for a wide variety of medical and cosmetic purposes i.e. migraines, teeth grinding, pelvic floor dysfunction and more popularly for reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Dermal Fillers are injected into the space between blood vessels, the skin and muscle. They can come in many different shapes and sizes and can help shape the face and restore volume back to the face. if dermal filler is injected accidently into a blood vessel, serious side effects such as blindness can occur. An experienced injector won’t make this preventable mistake and so we hope you are starting to see why we are emphasizing the need to see a doctor over anyone else.

But doc, what else could possibly go wrong?
Muscle relaxants are a relatively less invasive treatment when an experienced and trained medical practitioner injects them. This does not mean that nothing ever goes wrong because as with most things it can and it does. Sometimes adverse affects can be a result from an underlying allergy or another unforeseen factor and not a reflection of the practitioners skill. A medical practitioner is trained to manage these types of emergencies and you never know if its going to be you.
Possible side effects of muscle relaxant injections include:
- Swelling, bruising or pain at the injection site
- Headache
- Flu-like symptoms
- A drooping eyelid or eyebrows
- Dry eyes or excessive tearing
Rarely, the muscle relaxant can travel to other areas of the body which can cause more severe symptoms such as muscle weakness, vision problems, issues talking, swallowing or breathing, or a loss of bladder control.
Possible side effects of dermal filler injections include:
- Injection of filler into blood vessels
- Blindness
- Stroke
Just don’t risk your face. The risks of administering injectable treatments at home are unacceptably high and so not worth the damage that can arise.